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                 Apostle Susan dekontee Dickerson Kesselly

Pastor K. as, many may call her was born in Monrovia Liberia, West Africa. At an early age of 12 she was led by the holy spirit
and called by GOD to accept the lord Jesus Christ as her personal savior. It was during her normal listen to Pacific Garden Missions' "Unshackled" program, that her ministry came forth. This christian radio channel (ELWA) dramatized true life stories from people all across the globe facing unexpected difficulties but overcoming, with powerful testimonies.


Since that encounter Pastor K. has went on to serve in Caldwell, Monrovia's St Matthew United Methodist Church choir.

She attended Victory Bible College, Ghana in 2002, and later on received ministerial ordination by Reverend Deborah Warner of, Divine Healing Ministry Accra.


August 2015, a year of breakthrough for this anointed woman of God who was again ordained, but this time a pastor. Reverend Emily Wesseh , Men and Women of Faith Ministry, Boston blessed her and sent her on her way.


Pastor Kesselly's favorite pastime is listening to classical gospel &  especially the old hymns. She is married to Mr.Augustus Kesselly and a, mother of four to Kaetu, Jeremy, Terrence and Isabelle and others Spiritual children in Liberia and the United States. Her strong belief in healing and delivering encourages the act of fasting for every believer in Christ.


By the leading of the holy spirit, March 2016 gave birth to a new church" Divine Healing and Deliverance Ministry" Boston. The congregation is lead by their catchword “Healing is our Birthright” Isaiah 53:3. As we continue to grow, spread the good news, and exercise our birthright, I welcome you to join us in worship.

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